Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Identity Crisis

Burning is a more intense feeling than emptiness for those who don’t know. The burning feeling inside sometimes felt so bad that it felt like molten lava flowing inside me. This is a very severe sign of a lack of love. I’m wriitng this so that if you feel this way, I want you to know that I KNOW how it feels.I felt so awful inside, I thought I was slowly dying. One day I felt this way,I knew that I needed a “mommy type” to hug me just for a moment.
For the longest time I had identity problems. Here are some examples of the things that happened :
•I would walk past a mirror and gasp when I saw myself. I didn’t recognize myself. That’s me? I look like that? But… I thought I looked different!
•If people told me good things about myself, it would pass through my ears into my brain and then disappear. *Poof* It left me unchanged.
•If someone told me he loved me, or I was attractive or a good girl… I didn’t feel that way after a short while. It didn’t stick in me, didn’t add to me, didn’t become a part of me.
•If I did something extremely well, or built something with my hands out of spare parts, I may have felt an emotional rush for a moment, but by the next day I felt flat again.
But now i wanna heal my identity.......

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Go With The FLOW..!

If we go with the flow we become fluid and flexible. Taking on a free-flowing attitude allows us to be like water. Water is the most powerful substance, able to wear away the hardest of obstacles and to pass through seemingly impassable places.Being rigid in our beliefs and inflexible in our attitudes means we are unable to flow with life. If we do not bend, we are more likely to break.
The best way to not only survive but thrive regardless of the changes and challenges life brings is to develop an ability to flow with the tide because if we go against the tide,we are trying to fight reality, and resist change. Change is going to happen, whether you like it or not. Struggling against the changes life brings is not going to achieve anything but frustration and stress.
This doesn’t mean that you have to allow yourself to be swept in directions that are not in line with your goals and desires. It is possible and desirable to steer your own course, within the general direction of the flowing tide. It is just not smart or productive to try and row your little boat against the strong current of life. That is a sure way to get shipwrecked!
We may not know where life will take us, but we can trust that wherever it may be, we will have the strength and stamina to stay afloat. Every turn of the tide offers us opportunities for learning, growth, and adventure, so go with the flow and enjoy!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Never REGRET anything that once made u SMILE

When relationships end, many times there's a lot of regret involved. People spend way too much time feeling sorry for being with someone that, ultimately, disappointed them. They regret all of the “wasted” time spent with someone that wasn’t going to be their “happily ever after” partner.
While it may be common to focus on the negative parts of a relationship following a breakup, at some point, you need to recall the good times that happened, too. There HAD to be SOMETHING in the relationship that was good and made you happy at the time. Even those who have had completely dysfunctional relationships can usually come up with at least a handful of instances where things in their relationships approached normalcy and made them smile.
So, even if your relationship didn’t work out quite like you had hoped it would or had planned for it to, there were moments in it that did bring a smile to your face and laughter into your life.
There were most likely instances where your partner surprised you with either small gifts or expensive ones for no other reason than that they loved you. They may have also planned little getaways as a surprise. It may be something as simple as bringing coffee, tea or a full breakfast to you in bed when you wake up.
No relationship is without some moments that warmed your heart and made you feel good.
Therefore, when you look back on past relationships, search for the moments that brought some happiness to you. While you certainly shouldn’t dwell on the past, it’s perfectly ok to hold those moments of joy close to your heart and remember why you were ever in that relationship. Just never allow yourself to regret anything that once made you smile because that wasn’t a bad moment. It was sweet and it was good, and is something to be recalled with a smile in the present.